
This project defines WASI APIs for embedded devices with the aim of providing common language and platform independent runtimes for embedded use, allowing applications to be abstract from platforms, supporting dynamic discovery and hot reloading of applications, and making it easy to design / share / mess with embedded things.

The WASI APIs are intended to span from basic peripheral drivers like SPI and I2C, to more complex functionality like driving LEDs or displays and publishing or subscribing to data. Everything one could need to write unreasonably portable embedded applications.

The project provides an API specification with runtimes to support the execution of this and Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs) for application development. To get started using embedded-wasm, grab the relevant components and/or check out the Getting Started section.

You might also be interested in the chat and project meta issue.



The embedded-wasm/spec project provides the witx API specification as well as helper abstractions for platform implementations and standard tests for HAL/runtime interoperability.



An embedded-wasm runtime for execution on linux / macOS / windows, wrapping specific runtime implementations to provide a ready-to-go binary. This supports mocking on all platforms, with physical hardware access only on linux (for now?).

You can install this with cargo install wasm-embedded-rt or grab a binary from the releases page.


A Rust/wasmtime based engine for application use, built into wasm-embedded-rt with the rt_wasmtime feature.

Typically you'll want to embed this library in your project, either as a git submodule or by copying out the lib directory.


A C/wasm3 based engine designed for embedding, built into wasm-embedded-rt-wasm3 with the rt_wasm3 feature.

Typically you'll want to embed this library in your project, either as a cargo dependency, git submodule or by copying out the relevant directories (note for C use you will also need headers from embedded-wasm/spec).

Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs)


Rust bindings based on embedded-hal.

Add this to your project with cargo add wasm-embedded-hal.


Bindings for AssemblyScript, compiled with asc.


Add this to your project with npm install --save wasm-embedded-hal.



WIP: A command line interface for interacting with embedded-wasm capable devices.

Getting Started

To get started using embedded-wasm you need to find a suitable runtime for your platform, and the appropriate Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to write applications in your language of choice. If your language or platform isn't supported, check out the porting documentation, and for more information on building/testing embedded-wasm components, see contributing

For the purposes of this guide, we're going to use the wasm-embedded-rt the linux runtime on a Raspberry Pi, as it's a common platform with useful physical interfaces, and the rust HAL. You're going to need rust installed, and may find it useful to set $PROJECT as an environmental variable while following along.

Please note this is very much a work in progress, expect some hickups / bugs / sharp edges that are yet-to-be resolved

Installing the runtime

First we need to install the runtime. The most straightfoward approach is to fetch a precompiled binary from the releases page.

For aarch64 (64-bit):

tar -xvf wasm-embedded-rt-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tgz
sudo cp wasm-embedded-rt /usr/local/bin

For armv7 (32-bit), note this only supports the wasm3 engine:

tar -xvf wasm-embedded-rt-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tgz
sudo cp wasm-embedded-rt /usr/local/bin

Alternately you can use:

  • cargo binstall wasm-embedded-rt to install the precompiled binary via cargo-binstall
  • cargo install wasm-embedded-rt to build from source (note you may need to set features appropriate to your platform)

Once you have this installed you should be able to invoke wasm-embedded-rt:

> wasm-embedded-rt --help
wasm-embedded-rt 0.1.2

    wasm-embedded-rt [OPTIONS] <bin>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --config <config>          Configuration file (toml)
        --log-level <log-level>    Configure app logging levels (warn, info, debug, trace) [default: info]
        --mode <mode>              Operating mode [default: dynamic]
        --runtime <runtime>        Runtime [default: wasmtime]

    <bin>    WASM binary to execute

Building an application

To get started with the rust HAL you will need to setup a new cargo binary project (where $PROJECT is your project name). You can do this on the Raspberry Pi, or another machine (though you will need to copy binaries to the RPi).

  1. cargo new --bin $PROJECT && cd $PROJECT to create the project and change to the new directory
  2. rustup target add wasm32-wasi to add the wasm32-wasi target
  3. mkdir .cargo && echo '[build]\r\ntarget = "wasm32-wasi"' > .cargo/config to set the default build target
  • note this can also be set using forced-target = "wasm32-wasi" in Cargo.toml
  1. cargo add wasm-embedded-hal to add the wasm-embedded-hal dependency (via cargo-edit)
  2. cargo build to build the application

Once you've setup your project you can use the provided APIs to talk to physical peripherals, add the following to your src/ and build with cargo build.

//! An I2C detect example using wasm-embedded-hal
// Copyright 2020 Ryan Kurte

use embedded_hal::i2c::blocking::*;
use wasm_embedded_hal::i2c::I2c;

/// Default I2C bus to poll (must be enabled via `raspi-config`)
const BUS: u32 = 1;

fn main() {
    // Connect to I2C device
    let mut i2c = match I2c::init(BUS, 0, -1, -1) {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(_e) => return,

    println!("Scanning addresses on bus: {}", BUS);

    // For each possible address
    for i in 0..128 {
        // Print the address every line
        if i % 16 == 0 {
            print!("0x{:02x}: ", i);

        // Attempt a read
        let mut d = [0u8; 1];
        match, &mut d) {
            Ok(_) => print!("{:02x} ", d),
            Err(_) => print!("-- "),

        // Line break every 16 addresses
        if i % 16 == 15 {

    // Shutdown the I2C device


For more examples check out hal_rs/examples.

Running your application

If you're working remotely, copy your new binary to the RPi with scp target/debug/$PROJECT.wasm pi@raspberrypi (replacing raspberrypi with a different hostname if required).

You can then run your new application on the RPi:

> wasm-embedded-rt --mode linux --log-level error --runtime wasm3 $PROJECT.wasm
Loading WebAssembly (mod: wasme, p: 0x7fb90bb010, 1950651 bytes)...
Initialising I2C device: 1
Received I2C handle: 0
Scanning addresses on bus: 1
0x00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0x70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Note we're using --runtime wasm3 here due to a bug in the wasmtime runtime error codes, this will be removed when resolved




First make sure you've got the tools installed per Getting Started.

Heads up that there are a lot of moving parts, and it's definitely not a simple process (sorry!). We hope that in future more of this will be generated / automated, but we're waiting for the WITX specification to stabilise before this is likely. If you have any ideas for simplifying the process please do let us know!

Please note these instructions were moved from a prior monorepo version of this project, the concept is the same but the links and components are yet to be updated. You can see the original docs here

Updating the docs

The embedded-wasm/book project contains these docs, please feel free to open a PR!

Proposing an API

So you recon we're missing a useful API? (you're probably right). Before going down the implementation path you may wish to open an issue for discussion.

Once you're ready to implement, there are a few steps to the process. You'll need to be familiar with building rust and C projects, and you'll need to setup a workspace to coordinate these changes between components. If you run into any roadblocks, again, please open an issue or PR!

Setting up your workspace

First you'll need to setup a workspace containing the subprojects, we suggest using which will create an embedded-wasm directory and check out the subprojects into this.

curl | bash

Updating the specification

  • Add a witx specification for the protocol to the witx folder (see witx/spi.witx for an example)
  • Update the list of specs in lib/ to tell wiggle where to find the document
  • Add an abstract trait to src/ (see src/ for an example)
  • Add an abstract C object to lib/ (see inc/wasm_embedded/spi.h for an example)
  • Add a test definition to tests/ for qualification of runtimes / HALs
  • Check with cargo check --all-features

Updating the runtimes

You will first need to implement your API for the each of the underlying rt-wasm3 or rt-wasmtime engines, then in wasm-embedded-rt.

Updating rt-wasmtime

TODO: write this

Updating rt-wasm3

The rt-wasm3 C library is designed to simplify porting and embedding. A simple Object Oriented C / VTable style object is defined in the spec for each API, hiding the runtime implementation from the user and supporting dependency injection and other useful testing tricks.

To add an API:

  • Create new source and header files for your API
  • Add the new source file to CMakeLists.txt to add it to the build
  • Add the new header file to with appropriate allow-listing to support rust binding generation
    • Ensure you block generation of driver types from the spec package (eg, spi_drv_t) to avoid generating conflicting incompatible symbols
  • Create C function declarations for the new methods and a container object (vtable-esque) to hold these
  • Add m3 calls for each new method, deferring to the container object
  • Add a helper function to bind an instance of this API to the wasme runtime (see WASME_bind_i2c).
  • Add C bindings to the rust runtime, see rt/src/wasm3/ for examples.

Explaining all of this is more difficult than showing so, see lib/src/i2c.c and lib/inc/wasme/i2c.h for an example.

When working with the library you can build with make lib, or use the classic CMake approach from lib/ of:

  • mkdir build && cd build to create and switch to a build directory
  • cmake .. to setup the project
  • make to perform a build

When the runtime is built with --features=wasm3 the ewasm library will also be included. You can use this instead however, the logs exposed when building under cargo leave a lot to be desired.

Updating rt

  • Add a mock implementation to src/mock/ for mock execution, see src/mock/ for an example
  • Add a linux implementation to src/linux/ for runtime use, see src/linux/ for an example

Updating the HAL (rust)

This HAL exposes the API to rust users, providing an implementation of embedded-hal.

  • Create a new source file in hal_rs/src/ for the new API
  • Create an API module with extern definitions for the WASI interface
  • Create a wrapper type for the API object, using the handle and extern functions, see hal_rs/src/ for an example
  • Update the tests list in .github/workflows/ci.yml

Updating the HAL (AssemblyScript)

This HAL exposes the API to AssemblyScript users.

  • Create a new source file in hal_rs/src/ for the new API
  • Create an API module with extern definitions for the WASI interface
  • Create a wrapper type for the API object, using the handle and extern functions, see hal_rs/src/ for an example
  • Update the tests list in .github/workflows/ci.yml

Testing your changes



  • All APIs use integer handles for each device/peripheral managed by the platform to avoid the need to pass opaque objects
    • On initialisation a positive handle should be returned, on error a negative code
    • These handles are managed by the runtime and should be closed or will be cleaned-up on exit
  • Remember that the WASM runtime has it's own address space
    • Function calls with objects will resolve to an integer address that must be translated before access
    • If an object contains a pointer you will also need to translate this prior to accessing containing data
  • The WASM call ABI is not yet stable / widely supported
    • WITX allows multiple returns, in practice this may resolve to an extra argument in the function call (eg. fn do(a) -> Result<b, c> becomes fn do(a, &mut b) -> c in WASM)
  • A bug with wiggle means witx path resolution breaks when using workspaces, resulting in an error: proc macro panicked and a bunch of error[E0432]: unresolved imports. Patch wasm-embedded-spec using a folder outside the workspace or a git version until this is resolved


This project provides a set of platform APIs to support embedded applications, designed to be platform, language, and runtime, independent. APIs are designed to be simple, avoiding the transfer of complex objects over the WASM boundary and leaving the construction and management of objects to the runtime and library.

Runtime abstractions and libraries mean that most users should not need to interact with these directly so, unless you're planning to implement a runtime or library you may choose to skip this section.

For more information (and the actual specifications), see embedded-wasm/spec.

Low Level APIs

High Level APIs



The I2C API specification is defined in spec/i2c.witx:

TODO: demonstrate here



The SPI API specification is defined in spec/spi.witx:

TODO: describe / demonstrate here







TODO: document + link to

TODO: document + link to




Management APIs

A set of management APIs are defined to support consistent interaction with wasm-embedded capable devices.


Network devices SHOULD support discovery via mDNS with the service type _ewasm.


Configuration values



Logging is based on the syslog protocol with either a UDP or WebSocket connection.
